January 2022

Ministerium Social Outreach and Planning Meeting
Trinity Full Gospel Church

·         Welcome & Prayer- Mason Brown

·         Introductions

·         Community Updates: Mayor and Police Chief

·         Informative Updates:

o    Elizabethtown Area Communities That Care- Gail Viscome

  • Atallo Program- 21 students enrolled this school year. Twenty completed the 6-week training program. The new High School principal is very excited about this program and it’s actually being held at the school this year.

  • Paws and Think Club- Teaches members about what social norms really are, that many students don’t drink alcohol or use drugs.

  • Club Ophelia at the Middle School and Bear Creek

  • Do the Right Thing- recognized students for doing something out of the ordinary for someone else.

  • Mentor Program- mentors that come into the middle school and help with supervising students to make sure they’re doing their work.

o    Community Cupboard of Elizabethtown- Doug Lamb

  • As usual, December is the month for giving, they received lots of donations.

  • Turkey Giveaway in December was a success.

o    The Elizabethtown Area HUB- Doug Lamb

  • In a reorganization process since grant money has dissolved.

o    ECHOS- Doug Lamb

  • Winter Shelter is very busy. They have the most clients they have ever had.

  • They are in the new building!

  • Working on how to run the 6 new transition apartments that are in the new building as well.

o    Elizabethtown Area School District- Doug Lamb

  • Bear Bags food program will be moving into the new CPOW building. Their suite is completed, and they will be moving in this month.

o    Police Chaplaincy- Doug Lamb

  • Always looking for new chaplains. They serve Etown Borough, Northwest Regional, Susquehanna Regional, and Mt. Joy Borough.

  • Columbia Borough is now interested in starting a Chaplaincy. They reached out to a church in their community that is actually connected to the Elizabethtown Area Chaplaincy and will receive training to start their own program.

o    United Churches Elizabethtown Area (UCEA)- Doug Lamb

  • Looking for delegates to come and represent their church. The UCEA organization is run by volunteers and churches. To have churches involved in the decision-making process of programs, building, and other misc. things.

  • Phase 3- would possibly be a renovation of the original main building to fit a mental health organization, and turn the “white house” (which held the winter shelter) into transitional housing.

  • A pilot program will be starting from February to April. It will be for those without transportation, who need rides to their doctor appointments. They’re looking for volunteers to be the drivers. You can contact Bruce from UCEA for more information. brucerief@hotmail.com or leave a message at 717-333-6224.

o    Elizabethtown Ministerium- Doug Lamb

  • Afghan Refugee clothing donations were sent down to Texas. We mailed a pickup truck full of clothes and $3,000 for purchasing bedding, household items, etc

o    Love Inc.- Jay R

  • Compassion- sending out 1,000 mailers for compassion month in July 2022. Where churches mobilize with Love, Inc. and serve practical needs for seniors to do repairs/projects in their home and outdoor area. They’re looking for an area coordinator to get the project info and make connections with local churches to assign the projects. February there will be info sessions (in-person/online) about what this month is all about. Check out more info on their website.

  • Looking to hire 2 more positions.

o    Everence Financial- Lynette Morales

  • Works with churches and pastors and helps them with information for being good stewards.

  • They have grants to help meet financial needs and work specifically with churches and pastors to equip them.

o    Teen Challenge/Naaman Center- Peter Graustein

  • Looking for a psychologist to fill the gap of helping with higher mental health.

  • Can set churches up with a liaison to share with the church about what they do.

o    Cornerstone Youth Center- Laurie Shepler

  • Annual Banquet is March 18th at 6pm at Elizabethtown Brethren in Christ. This year’s speaker is David Nasser. Register for banquet seating at www.cornerstoneetown.org/benefit-banquet

  • Serves kids grades 5-12. Trying to grow to have programs to serve families.

o    Prayer Requests:

  • Praise- Carlos Ortiz- Wife had surgery on her back and couldn’t feel her legs afterward. She asked to pray for wisdom from the doctors. And they were able to figure out what happened (she did regain feeling) so it doesn’t happen again to other patients.

  • Carlos Ortiz- healing for his wife.

  • How can the churches work closer with physicians and hospitals.

  • Cornerstone- Jonathan Weatherholtz is able to become a full-time employee and have more time to be able to minister to the kids.

o    Closing Prayer- Doug Lamb

Heather Elicker