September 2022
Ministerium Social Outreach and Planning Meeting
September 8, 2022
Welcome- Doug Lamb
UCEA Statement- Doug Lamb [If you are interested in a copy, email the ministerium.]
Community Updates:
· Elizabethtown Borough Police Chief
o Borough has taken over evaluating and renting of the Elizabethtown Parks and will be updating the Fun Fort.
o The Second Chance program- have been having meetings with departments outside of Lancaster County.
o Elected on the state board of police.
§ His focus will be mental health. If you have any input to that, please contact him.
o Hiring for 2 positions in Public Works (laborer and CDL) and Wastewater Treatment Plant (
o Hiring 2 new police officers, both are doing well in the academy.
o Community Events
§ Faith and Blue Rally- October 8th at Grace Church in Elizabethtown (305 Anchor Rd., Elizabethtown)
o Wednesday, September 14- Pizza with a Cop- High School Parking Lot 6-8pm.
o At Trinity Full Gospel Chapel- Scripture-based “Caring Together” Caregiver Support Group 2nd Mondays of the month, 1pm.
o Over the time at the Fair- Officers were having issues with juveniles mostly. Anger, violence, etc… They are trying to make a better connection with the children of our community by partnering with Cornerstone Youth Center.
Informational Updates:
· EACTC- Gail Viscome
o PAYS Data- What are the issues that face our children within the Elizabethtown District? They then take that data and create or find programs that will serve the kids, especially with after-school programs.
§ Next month, we will be going over the data from that survey.
o Mentoring/Tutoring Program in the Middle School
§ You don’t have to know certain subjects, just be there to help kids make up work they are behind on.
· Community Cupboard of Elizabethtown- Doug Lamb
o Looking for a Director for the Cupboard, hiring ASAP! Melissa last day is 9.23.
· ECHOS- Sue Peterson
o All 6 apartments have been filled, 2 have moved on to permanent housing.
§ Would love to be able to have more apartments. The 55+ community within Elizabethtown is a demographic that is greatly struggling.
§ Currently hiring- check out positions on
· EASD- Jenn Fields
o Hoping for a better year. So far so good.
o Bear Bags Food Program- Weekly: Back Packs filled, Monthly: Shopping night.
§ No income needed., just must have a child in the district.
o GED Program- for students who are in fear of dropping out once they turn 18. They meet with the Literacy Council and make sure they get their GED by the time they turn 18. They meet at CPOW, in the old church building.
§ Need volunteers to help teach, but they are working on getting grants to help pay for tutors/teachers.
§ The school does take a hit for the dropout, but they will at least be able to get their GED and contribute to society.
· Police Chaplains- Doug Lamb
o Still looking for chaplains to serve (Etown, Mt. Joy, NW Regional, and Susquehanna Regional).
· Rob and Tina Roberge- Doug Lamb
o We will miss Rob and Tina Roberge as they move on in their next chapter of life. Thanks to them for all they have done to contribute to our community.
· Disciple Makers- Tony Beard
o On campus ministry working at Elizabethtown College.
§ Large Group Bible Study Thursday nights.
§ Small Group Bible Studies.
§ Disciple students to lead their own Bible studies, and disciple others.
o Fall Conference in Harrisburg.
§ Disciple Makers is a PA only org, in about 20ish schools.
o Elizabethtown Block Party- Doug Lamb
§ October 1, 1:30pm to 4pm at the Borough Park (Ken Lane).
· GOAL Project: FAITH Initiative September 24, 2022.