June 2022

Ministerium Social Outreach and Planning Meeting

June 2, 2022

Welcome- Doug Lamb

Informational Updates:

·         ECHOS- Brie Anderson

o   Most of their transitional apartments are open.

o   Will start having Naaman Center in the Enrichment Center to serve with addiction counseling.

§  Hoping to partner with them to get an office in the new UCEA building.

o   Prayer Requests

§  Enrichment Center needs someone to man it, part-time position.

§  Need to hire a Volunteer Coordinator

§  Pray for community members who need the help would be able to reach out and get help.

·         EASD- Doug Lamb

o   Bear Bags will start operating its program in the new UCEA building starting at the beginning of June.

·         Police Chaplains- Doug Lamb

o   Still looking for chaplains to serve (Etown, Mt. Joy, NW Regional, and Susquehanna Regional)

·         CPOW- Vard Gainor & Doug Lamb

o   Having Borough issues with parking. Pray for that, as they navigate it with the Borough

·         UCEA- Doug Lamb

o   Grants are being applied for. Pray, pray, pray!

o   Hoping to lease out the old shelter building to another non-profit organization.

·         Servants- Trent Davis

o   Been working in York County for the last 15 years.

o   Been working in Lancaster County for the last few years.

o   Mobilize volunteers to do work to help homeowners stay in their homes.

§  Wheelchair Ramps

§  Bathroom upgrades for safety,

§  Roofs- will help the homeowner find an affordable contractor.

§  Anything that will help restore their home to be livable and safe.

§  Have done national and international service projects.

o   Works with churches to provide volunteers for projects.

§  Has regular workdays in Lancaster County on Thursdays

§  Gets referrals from churches, senior centers, and Love, Inc.

§  www.servants.org

·         Elizabethtown Area Communities That Care- Gail Viscome and Doug Lamb

o   Turn Around Banquet

§  35 students attended that had turned their grades, attitude, or trajectory.

·         Two students shared their stories and who walked beside them.

o   Tutoring at Middle School

o   Grants

§  Writing 2 grants.

·         Lunch in the Park- Paul Schwanger

o   Every Thursday, Starting June 16 at noon.

o   Runs through the first week of August.

Upcoming Events:

Meetings this Month:

·         Prayer with the Elizabethtown Borough Police Chief

Heather Elicker