February 2023

Ministerium Social Outreach and Planning Meeting

February 2, 2023

Welcome: Doug Lamb


Community Updates:

Informational Updates:

·       EACTC- Gail Viscome

·       Hope’s Haven- Mary Dolan

o   Equine ministry- 28 kids partnered with a horse trainer (mentor leader) and a horse. Kids go through a 6-week course.

o   Looking for a full-time facility, they have their eye on a property and are hopeful to move forward with that.

o   Have a gala in September, “Denim and Diamonds”, at the Star Barn.

o   They can come share about their ministry at your church, just contact the ministerium and they can get you their info.

·       United Churches Elizabethtown Area

o   Community Cupboard- Steve Knox

§  2022 Stats

·       Served 1477 families/homes (21,077 individuals)

·       Over 20,000 hours of volunteers

·       Had 21379 pounds of food donated through food drives. (Does not include individual donations.)

·       Had 2234 hours of volunteering in 2022

§  January 2023

·       15-23 new families have signed up for the pantry

·       Served 121 households (195 individuals)

·       177 volunteer hours

·       3,123 lbs of donations

o   Giant requested they pick up food not only Wed & Saturday but also Mondays

o   Masonic donates apples once a week.

·       Central Penn Food Bank is surveying clients.

·       Food Drives this month

o   Wenger Feeds

o   NW EMS

·       Planning for the Turkey Giveaway

o   Surveying clients to see if they prefer Thanksgiving or Christmas.

·       Freezer Space is needed, looking for a grant to get commercial freezers.

·       Canned meat is always a plus (to donate).

·       Other Needs (updated on Facebook)

o   Pancake Syrup

o   Mandarin Oranges

o   Apple Sauce

o   CPOW Campus- Jacki Lewis

§  Jacki is the new Campus Coordinator for the CPOW campus.

§  Working on the upkeep of the campus, new electrical work in the food bank for new freezers.

§  Clothing Barn

§  Renovations on the White House should begin soon, it depends on the zoning variance meeting in March. They don’t have a variance for a community service building. They say they need 99 parking spaces (retail shopping requirement).

o   VITA will be at the Alliance Church this year, not at the CPOW campus.

·       EASD- Jenn Fields

o   Bear Bags is running again.

o   Mental Health needs are in abundance. There is a waiting list for crisis counseling.

o   54 students identified as homeless.

o   Secondary kids have a clothing closet for clothing needs. If you wish to donate items you can click here on their Amazon Wish List.

·       Police Chaplaincy- Doug Lamb

o   Our small area will probably be merging with the county and be a county-wide service.

·       Mt. Calvary Church

o   Had an open house for their students and their families this past week at the new building (the old Mill Rd. Elem.)

·       Steve Jaynes- Bossler’s Mennonite Pastor will be ordinated this month!

·       Elizabethtown Ministerium- Doug Lamb

o   Community Lenten Services

§  March 1st at St. Peter’s Catholic- Preaching: Doug Lamb

§  March 8th at St. Paul’s UMC- Preaching: Brian Farling

§  March 15th at Christ Church UCC- Preaching: John Marcott

§  March 22nd at Elizabethtown Mennonite- Preaching: Galen Russel

§  March 29th at Sell Chapel- Preaching: Bernard Oniwe

·       Everence

o   Stewardship University happening in March. If you want more information about this please contact the ministerium and we’ll get you the contact information.

o   Financial classes and counseling are available monthly (free for pastors and their wives).

§  If congregants want to attend there is a fee.

·       Caregiving Support Group

o   Second Monday every month at Trinity Full Gospel at 4pm.

·       ECHOs

o   Winter Shelter is still operating.

·       Upcoming Events

o   Lenten Services in March!

·       Closing Prayer- Doug Lamb

Heather Elicker