February 2024

Ministerium Social Outreach and Planning Meeting
February 1, 2024
Doug Lamb Conference Room, CPOW

Welcome: Doug Lamb


Community Updates:

·       Elizabethtown Borough Police just hired a new police chief.

·       Judge Randall Miller will share at next month’s meeting

Informational Updates:

·       EACTC- Gail Viscome

o   Look for flyer from the Ministerium. There is a need for mentors/homework helpers.

·       UCEA- Doug Lamb

o   The Bridge House has opened on the CPOW campus. Move ins have started last week, after a 10 month remodel.

o   Winter Shelter is full. Sicknesses are going around. 70 Go Bags were donated to ECHOS for the winter shelter, by Lifegate Youth Group.

o   The Naaman Center now has an office on the CPOW campus.

o   Next Delegate meeting is 2/22/24 at 7pm.

·       EASD- Garret Rain

o   8th graders are the most effected kids who’s education and behaviors has taken a hit because of COVID policies. The leaders of the district need wisdom on how to handle some of the students.

·       Etown Ministerium- Doug Lamb

o   Lenten Services start 2/21/24 at Christ Church UCC.

o   Carry the Cross will be Good Friday, March 29th at 5pm. Starting and ending at the Elizabethtown Mennonite Church, with a meal and service afterwards.

o   Prayer Meeting for the CPOW campus will be 2/11/24 at 5pm. Look for more information on that from the Ministerium.

o   Looking to hire a PT position for marketing.

·       Hope Community Church- Dan Anderson

o   Hope Community Church in the park 5/19. Looking for other churches to be involved. Service, then projects around the borough.

o   End of April will be a non-profit service project.

·       Everence- Lynette Morales

o   Stewardship University Workshop (free for pastors and wives) 3/1/24 6:30pm to 9:30pm at Lancaster Bible College.

·       Upcoming Events

o   Be the Church Event

§  Service in the morning at the Elizabethtown Community Park Amphitheater, working in the community to serve in maintenance around the borough, then lunch in the park afterwards.

o   Lenten Services

§  Going well, there are 2 more this season, check Facebook for more information.

o   Carry the Cross

§  Good Friday “parade” walk through Etown, learning about the life of Jesus that ultimately lead to his crucifixion on the cross.

§  Starts and ends at Elizabethtown Mennonite

·       Closing Prayer- Doug Lamb

Heather Elicker