December 2023
Ministerium Social Outreach and Planning Meeting
December 7, 2023
Welcome: Doug Lamb
Community Updates:
· Borough is recommending a retired State Police
Informational Updates:
· EACTC- Gail Viscome
o Club Ophelia just finished for the year, and it was the largest attended yet.
§ Learn skills for communication, friendship, etc…
o Atollo Program is finished for the fall.
o Looking for a teacher to help run the PAWS and Think club.
o Homework Helpers
§ Going well in the high school. Upper classmen are helping lower classmen as well.
§ Always look for mentors to help encourage kids to do their work. You don’t have to be have an expertise.
§ Wednesday 1:50pm to 3:30pm and Thursday is 1:50 to 2:40 is the middle school hours.
§ Thursday 7:30am to 8:30am is at the High School
o Rx Takeback with the police, collected 70lbs of Rx drugs.
· CPOW- Doug Lamb
o ECHOS’ Winter Shelter opened Monday.
§ Had 4 people
§ 30 beds are available for individuals.
§ 12 beds in the family rooms.
§ Serve Etown, Mt. Joy, Marietta, Maytown, and Bainbridge Area (those who have a connection to those communities).
§ Looking for volunteers, need 70 volunteers a week.
§ Pray for this season, we may see a huge influx.
o The Bridge House, managed by ECHOS
§ Waiting on punch list items and inspections and hoping to open soon.
o The Clothing Barn
§ Ready to serve more people! They can get vouchers from churches, the school district, Blueprints, and Atonement House Ministries.
§ New location in the brick building.
§ New hours: Wednesday and Thursday 9am to 12pm, and evenings by appointment only.
o Got $16,000 from
o Looking to hire a marketing person.
· Love, Inc.- Jay R
o The Meal was a success, and they will have more updates in January.
o The Metamorph is the next project happening.
§ Churches serving/helping organizations that serve the community.
o Homes of Hope
§ Looking to work more with social services with networking.
§ Work with school districts and churches in the county.
· Upcoming Events
o Christmas Meal at West Green Tree Church of the Brethren- must make reservations by 12/18/23.
o December 14th (instead of 12/21) - Catalyst Ministries for the Spiritual Enrichment and Light Breakfast meeting. They are located on S. Market St. where “Now Wear This”. Hoping to open in the new year.
o Tom Barnett will be retiring by the end of the year.
· Closing Prayer- Doug Lamb