November 2023

Ministerium Social Outreach and Planning Meeting

November 2, 2023

Welcome: Doug Lamb


Community Updates:

·       Elizabethtown Borough- Chuck Mummert

o   Looking for a new police chief.

o   Have a new borough manager.

Informational Updates:

·       EACTC- Doug Lamb

o   Etown Mentorship/Tutoring

§  Wednesdays & Thursdays

·       AM- High School 7:20am-8:20am

·       PM- Middle School 1:50pm-2:50pm

§  If you’re interested in helping, contact Gail Viscome.

·       CPOW- Doug Lamb & Jacki Lewis

o   The Elizabethtown Community Cupboard

§  October was down in number- 350 from 400 in previous months.

·       Heather will be following up with Steve to make sure he has a full list of Churches. for the month of giving assignments.

o   Winter Shelter opens Dec. 3rd.

§  Converted a volunteer sleep room into a family sleep room, and moved the volunteer sleep room to under the stairs.


§  Winter Shelter Training

·       November 8th at St. Paul’s.

§  Winter Shelter opens December 3rd.

·       4 family rooms

·       Only 40 beds allowed (from the borough)

·       Pray for this season, we may see a huge influx.

o   The Bridge House

§  Waiting on inspections and hoping to open soon.

·       The Clothing Barn

o   Ready to serve more people! They can get vouchers from churches, the school district, Blueprints, and Atonement House Ministries.

o   New location in the brick building.

o   New hours: Including Wednesdays & Thursdays 9-12.

·       Everance- Lynette Morales

o   If church leaders are looking for financial guidance (grants, planning, etc..), and will also do education on retirement, and even train leaders on budgeting so they can        

·       Upcoming Events

o   November 16- Catalyst Ministries- Ministerium Meeting Spiritual Enrichment & Light Breakfast 8:30am.

·       Closing Prayer- Doug Lamb

Heather Elicker