September 2023

Ministerium Social Outreach and Planning Meeting

September 7, 2023

Welcome: Doug Lamb


Community Updates:

Informational Updates:

·       CPOW- Jacki Lewis

o   Remodeling White House, has a new roof.

o   GEARS has moved into the empty suite in the new building, next to Bear Bags.

o   Clothing Barn is moving into a suite the brick building.

o   Working with an org that is helping fundraise for building remodels across the campus.

·       Elizabethtown Ministerium- Doug Lamb

o   Elizabethtown Block Party

§  September 9 1:30pm to 4pm

§  Need help with volunteering.

·       Transporting tables and chairs from Elizabethtown Mennonite to the park, and back. Set up is at 10 am and tear down is 4pm.

·       Love, Inc- Jay R.

o   Has started an ePrayer group.

o   Connecting dots of ways they can serve the county.

§  Starting to do more consistent campaigns.

·       They did The Project in July

o   Working on homes so people can stay in them.

·       The Meal is coming in November

o   It’s a pilot program

o   Families would have a family that is in need they are connected with.

§  They would have a meal together and discuss life and then provide requested ingredients for that family’s Thanksgiving meal.

·       They are stopping their transportation leg of their ministry.

·       Mt. Calvary- Elizabeth Lerro

o   Surviving the Holidays

§  A smaller version of Grief Share

o   School is open at Mill Road, the West Campus!

§  2nd to 5th grade

·       Everence- Lynnette Morales

o   There is a webinar

·       Catalyst Ministries- Gina McNally

o   A ministry that is new to the Elizabethtown area.

§  They had a camp in NY.

§  Sold that and the AG would only release the money if they bought new property.

§  Bought the property on S. Market St. that used to be Now Wear This.

·       Going to be a ministry to get skills in the hands of preteens and teens from construction to cooking.

§  Kelly School uses the facility as a shop class.

·       They’re looking for a second adult to be able to be compliant with insurance.

§  Will be at the Elizabethtown Block Party.

§  Still bringing together their vision and when they will open.

·       Upcoming Events

o   Faith and Blue will be October 7th at Etown Grace.

o   Brittany’s Hope Fundraising event at the Star Barn Sunday, 9/10- 10am to 3pm.

o   September 21- Meet at Cedar Hill Community Church (Doug Lamb Construction, Inc.- 1180 Zeager Road, Elizabethtown, PA). Time together with pastors for prayer, spiritual enrichment, and a light breakfast.

·       Closing Prayer- Doug Lamb

Heather Elicker